why oh why?!
do doors on public loo's always open in rather than out?! They are disgusting enough as it is without the additional frustration of the door opening inwards. Usually combined with the fact that the cubicle is the size of a small cupboard which means there is no room between the toilet and the door when open. How do they expect you to get in/out without resorting to standing on the loo (seat down obviously if you are going to try this!). All this whilst trying no to touch anything as its usually so filthy that you would rather wet yourself than go in there in the first place.
Don't tell me I am the only one who is bothered by stupid things like this?!
Having withdrawal symptoms so another trip to Sweden, I mean Ikea, is booked for today. Have actually got a few things to buy rather than just running round the shop quickly like I normally do only to get to the Mecca of the Food Shop!!! Yummy food from home! Can't wait!
Ps I failed already, missed the LBT class the other night! Hopefully off to the gym tonight though once husband has finished playing football. I will be thin one day (just after I have polished off that chocolate bar I will be buying at Ikea later!)
Have been to the GYM! Can you believe it! And I have even booked onto a Legs, Bums and Tums class for tomorrow evening, I thought I better strike while the irons hot! See how long this lasts now. Bets anyone?!
To be fair I haven't got the best track record, I tend to start going, keep the routine up for a few weeks and then something happens which means I don't go and then I end up not going again for months. Sounds familiar to anyone else?
But its now or never probably. Had the big 30 birthday last year and its only going downhill from here isn't it?!
Boys day out
The boys have had a lovely day out at the Natural History Museum in Oxford. Comes highly recommended for kids and its free which is a bonus!
Hannah birthday
I have lovely friends. And I am very grateful for that.
A little parcel in the post

Happy 30th Birthday Hannah!
A little stroll!

I thought only women hide their purchases?!
Stieg Larsson - Millenium Triology
Just watched the second one; The Girl Who Played With Fire. Highly recommended. I have already read all three books so basically know what is going to happen but still very very good films. Of course I could be slightly biased in that it is set in Sweden, Stockholm but to be fair the books have sold more than 20 million copies in more than 40 countries so I think its fair to say that its a ten out of ten!
So sad that the genius Stieg Larsson did not live to see how successful his books became.
Have you read the books/seen the movies? What did you think?
Wise words
David Viscott
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
I must try and remember these.
Great "industrial" lamps - want one or three!
Aren't these lights great?! From Dutch shop 360volt.
Esme first day out on her own!
Baby Girl!
Congratulations to Neil and Becca!
She's a little bit of sunshine
She's a smile to light your days
She will steal your hearts and keep them
With her warm endearing ways
She's your precious little daughter
With a sweetness from above
Who will fill your years with laughter
And your lives with lots of love.
Pippi Langstrump
Having just watched a Pippi Langstrump movie I realise that if I could be anyone else for a day it would be her.
She is independant, owns her own house and has a suitcase full of gold coins. She takes each day as it comes and doesn't conform to what society expects of her instead doing what she wants without worrying about what other people think. She is strong willed, generous, happy, a free spirit and lives life to the full every single day.
First try outside on the new bike
Do you think Esme is impressed with her Christmas present?! Kids nowadays! When I was young I would have been grateful for an orange and a box of raisins. Especially loving the face on photo 3, will remind her of this in about 15 years time!
Handmade Napkins
I had some leftover Cath Kidston fabric so I decided to make some napkins! Very therapeutic so I ended up making 8 of them. Would have carried on but had to restrain myself as I am not sure I am ever going to need like 20 napkins at the same time!? Now don't laugh, its my first attempt! Orders taken for weddings, ha ha!
Toys toys toys!
Maybe the solution is to hire some space at one of those storage warehouses situated next to the motorway and then me and Esme can spend our days in a little storagecage playing with playdoh, dolls, trains etc and she can make as much mess as she wants and then come home to a perfectly tidy house? Hhhmm, no? Perhaps I will have to have another think about this!
I know I know, when you have kids you have to live with the toys. But really, its getting out of hand now!

Jag vill ha blommig falukorv
This is for you, he he! (you know who you are!)
Giving blood
Why don't you go and give blood too?! Make an appontment on 0300 123 2323, go on, call NOW!
And no excuse if you are in Sweden, just go to geblod.nu and then look up your local place for giving blood.
See I have done all the hard work for you, all you have to do is pick up the phone/check out the website!

Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
We've been saving small change in a big old glass jar for Esme for about a year or so, literally mainly pennies and 5p coins. We counted it up today so that we can pay it into her bank account and it was £72! Now got another year of saving our little change for her!
Patriotism is a love and devotion to one's country (wikipedia)
I love everything about the Swedish traditions, the language, the people, the country, everything really!
I have just watched "a year in the life of the royal family" on SVT Play which is Swedish TV online. It's making me all proud to be Swedish and makes me realise how important it is to me that Esme grows up knowing she is Swedish as well as British and that she spends a lot of time in Sweden if possible.
Leaving you with some photos of the beautiful Swedish royal family! Doesn't the future Queen and her new husband look like film stars?!

Get well soon!

Us crazy swedes!
I have found that the most commonly answered question when people find out I am Swedish is "don't you all roll around naked in the snow all the time?". To be fair I have never done this but it does sound interesting. So I thought you might appreciate some photos which I have borrowed from the excellent blogger www.malenami.indiedays.com. So people really do this crazy stuff!! Maybe I'll have to try it next time I get home! BBBRRRBBRBRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is all I'll say for now!
Finished painting the kitchen!
We have used Dulux Pure Brilliant White Matt for all the walls and ceilings. Nice and plain, just as I like it!

wedding fever!

Now if I was one of those people who analysed photos of people I would say that this photo shows just how well matched these two are! Facing each other, smiling, looking extremely happy and relaxed together! Bodes well for the future me thinks! Keep on smiling and laughing you two!
Christmas Present from Work
Where I work we normally get a Christmas hamper when we go for our Christmas meal. It has always been lovely, usually really lovely goodies with a nice handmade bowl from the local pottery or something similar. But this year I thought it was exceptionally lovely!
We all got a kit for making something, I chose the gingerbread kit! But there was also a breadmaking kit, a muffins kit and so on. So in my kit is everything needed to make gingerbread men, including the recepie which has been laminated, a baking tray, rolling pin, cut outs, a mixing bowl and all the ingredients! Isn't that lovely! Such a good idea for a present I think. No doubt this is something I will do as a present for someone in the future.
Did you get a Christmas present from work? Was it equally lovely or did it go in that pile of stuff you then recycle as presents for other people?!
Close your eyes and relax for five mins!
Lovely lovely song by someone I have just discovered!